Finding the Best Hair Colour For You: A Comprehensive Guide

best hair colour for you

April 12, 2021

Hair colour is one of the most important things to think about when it comes to your overall look. The great thing about hair colouring is that it can make you look younger or more youthful than you are. What’s more, it can give you an entirely new look. If you’re looking to find a good colour for you, then this article is for you. We’ll be going over the different hair colours, the most popular hair colours, and the best hair colours that suit you.

Finding the best hair colour for you is not as easy as it sounds. If you are looking for a permanent hair colour change, then you need to be considerate. Firstly, there are so many different shades out there it seems like it would be impossible to choose one. Is blonde better than red? Should you go for a shade that resembles the colour of your roots, or should you go for a bold change?

What’s the Best Hair Color For You?

Ask for the colour chart.

When you hit the salon for hair colouring, first and foremost, ask for the colour chart and go through the list of colours they have. Ask for a sample picture for each colour, i.e., if they have used the colours on someone, ask for the sample pictures to know how it looks. 

Analyze your hair type

You need to know about the type of your hair before proceeding to colour it. We are 

According to experts, dark shades and warm shades last for longer periods and looks good on dark hair. Dark colours go well on curly and frizzy hair types as well. 

Lighter shades of colour work well on shorter hairs, hairs that have thick and good density. Hairstreaks generally work well on all hair types. Getting a hairstreak is a much easier option of hair colour for men and women and easy to remove. 

Skin undertone

Skin undertone does play a role in enhancing the looks of you when you get a hair colour. Skin undertone is widely of three types; they are neutral tone, cool tone and warm tone. 

Neutral tone

Finding a perfect shade for a neutral undertone is a tricky one. Streaks can be a better option to play it safe. Lighter brown, honey shades, coppers shades, and mild burgundy can look good for a neutral undertone. 

Cool tone

Cool skin tone works best for all types of hair colours. Still, colours like sunkissed orange, burgundy, lighter shades of red can look really good on a neutral tone. Lighter tones can go unnoticed, while neutral to darker shades of colouring can look nice if you have a cool undertone. 

Warm tone

For a warm skin tone, warmer shades of hair colouring can enhance and give a classy look. Darker or warmer shades like brown, red, purple can do well. Cool tone can also work well on warmer skin tone in case of streaks or faded hair cut. 

Remember your frequent attire.

Think about which attire you will wear often. Are they chic and trendy? Stylish and subtle? Traditional and classy? What exactly are they?

Plan your hair colouring according to it. The better it matches with your attire, the better it looks good on you as well. 

Choose a good hair salon

80% of your work is done when you find a good salon for hair colouring. The Best hair salon for colour is the one which makes use of good quality products and equipment. They also have the best hair care professionals who know how to carry out the colouring service with care. Experts know better about what suits better on you. Taking the expert hair care professional’s advice is the best way to get the best hair colour for you. 

Things to remember when opting for hair colouring 

1. You need to have the confidence to pull out the hair colouring you do and remember that you can. 

2.There is nothing wrong with choosing any colour of your choice, even if it doesn’t correspond with your skin tone; you need to carry it out well. 

3. Make sure you give your hair extra hair and nourishment as they are now more vulnerable than before. 

4. Remember that you need to wash your hair less often and with mild shampoo only. 

5.Be cautious while using hair styling equipment that could potentially damage your hair. Hair colouring will change your look and enhance it highly. Plan your hair colouring accordingly by keeping in mind the above tips that are put across to you. If you’re someone who is craving to go for a hair colouring for long, then do give it a try at Essensuals, as they offer professional hair colouring services with expert care.

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